Volume 32, Issue 3 (autumn 2019)                   JMDP 2019, 32(3): 49-70 | Back to browse issues page

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Jokar B, Alipour Darvish Z, Yazdani H R, Mirsepasi N. Human Resources Dignity Foresighting in Government Organizations: A Case Study. JMDP 2019; 32 (3) :49-70
URL: http://jmdp.ir/article-1-3562-en.html
1- Tehran Province Civil Registration , b_jokar@iau-tnb.ac.ir
2- Azad University
3- Tehran University
Abstract:   (5024 Views)

Dignity is one of the new and influential concepts that come about in the field of human resources (especially the future of human resources), therefore, organizations should consider it from now. In the field of human resource research, rarely addressed the issue of human dignity and respect for employees. This research looks at factors that can make future changes to the dignity of human resources in the organization. Research method is exploratory & explanatory. Sampling is targeted and snowballed. The research community is 14 experts of the organization. In this way, the depth of the raw data with open, selective, and theoretical coding reveals the results. With open coding 148 items founded, At the theoretical coding stage, these factors are extracted: Internet and social network deployment, the use of smart chips in human resource management, cyber security, the creation of virtual organizations and teamwork, the transformation of values over time and differences in the definition of respect between different generations, ethics in management, Privacy, individual contexts, organizational and social contexts. They are summarized in the selective coding stage of the three force driver: information technology, ethics, and the platforms necessary to maintain dignity. By using these force drivers can imagine different scenarios for the future of human resource dignity of the organization. Managers and employees can use these scenarios to implement the future of human resource dignity of the organization in such a way as to benefit the organization and employees, so that the organization achieves the desired results, as well as employees have respect and dignity.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Public Administration
Received: May 25 2019 | Accepted: Jan 26 2020 | ePublished: Jun 02 2020

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