Volume 22, Issue 1 And 2 (5-2009)                   JMDP 2009, 22(1 And 2): 59-88 | Back to browse issues page

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(2009). Citizenship Rights and Social Justice. JMDP. 22(1 and 2), 59-88.
URL: http://jmdp.ir/article-1-2382-en.html
Abstract:   (11880 Views)

Citizenship is one of the emerging concepts, specifically dealing with "equality" and "justice".  Citizenship rights comprise the duties and responsibilities that citizens have for other citizens, their city, the government, governing bodies and the state, on one side, as well as the rights and concessions the urban authorities, government and governing bodies are bound to provide for the citizens, in return. Such a combination of both rights and responsibilities are referred to as "citizenship rights". The notion of citizenship gets finalized when all members of a society would be allowed to all civil and political rights while they can get easy access to the economic and social opportunities of life they have in mind. Philosophers and sociologists tend to consider "citizens" beyond the political identity of a mere "voter". That seems why the "citizen" appears to get embodied as the pillar and formation of a developed social life and of a just and democratic political structure as well. From such a viewpoint, the concept of "social justice" follows an intertwined theoretical and pragmatic relationship with civil rights to indicate a meaningful order within a society. This is to conclude justice would not be achieved in its general meaning unless civil rights are observed. What makes justice socially achievable would be the requirement to protect the rights of the human society members. As indicated, social justice would be regarded socio-politically attained when "citizenship" has been extended within societies as an undeniable identity.

This article tries to analytically expound and elaborate on such matters within a descriptive research framework and, therefore, employs a descriptive-analytical methodology. 

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Public Administration
Received: May 25 2016 | Accepted: May 25 2016 | ePublished: May 25 2016

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