Peer Review Process

 | Post date: Jun 07 2022 | 

Peer Review Process
Submitted papers are reviewed by the Journal's administrative staff in terms of structural format. In case it is approved structurally, the paper is then sent to the editor and the editorial board for content examination and reviewer selection. If the paper conforms to the Journal's policies, it is sent to three reviewers. Reviewers are selected by the editorial board (The reviewing process is double-blinded).

Those papers that are accepted to be sent to reviewers are done so through the Journal's website. After reviewers' comments are received (time-line for reviewing a paper is one month), the following five procedures get under way:

  1. Final approvals from two reviewers and the editor means the paper is accepted, therefore, it is sent for literary and academic editing. When technical corrections are applied by the authors and they are approved by the editor, the paper is sent for publication.

  2. The first reviewer demands major corrections and the second minor ones: The paper is sent to authors for corrections. When corrections are applied by the authors, the paper is sent to the editor for final review. At this stage, a) Editors' comments are sent to the final reviewer. B) Paper is sent to authors to apply the required corrections. After corrections are applied and the editor provides his approval, the paper is sent for publication.

  3. First and second reviewers provide major corrections: In this case, the paper is sent back to the editor for examination. At this stage, editor's comment would either be: a) not-publishable, b) send to authors for corrections. After corrections are applied and the editor provides his approval, the paper is sent for publication.

  4. First reviewer announces that the paper is not-publishable and the second recommends major corrections: In this case, the third reviewer provides the final decision.

  5. Two reviewers announce not-publishable: paper is not accepted.

Papers are published first in terms of the receipt date and then according to the receipt of reviewers' positive comments. After paper is submitted, changes in the order and affiliations of the authors are not allowed at all. In case of any changes, the paper should be re-submitted with authors' new information. The original submitted papers are archived and not returned. In case authors decide to withdraw from publishing their papers, they have to inform the Journal officially through a letter addressed to the editor within two weeks of submission.

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