Volume 33, Issue 4 (Winter 2021)                   JMDP 2021, 33(4): 115-139 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Pardissan Institute, Freydoonkenar, Iran , r.rezaei99@heip.ac.ir
2- Member Faculty, Department of Educational Sciences Sama, Azadshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr, Iran.
Abstract:   (3740 Views)
Nowadays, innovation is the basis of development and survival of social systems; however, materializing it calls for innovative work behavior. The present study intends to investigate into this issue. In order to collect data, 123 employees were selected from among the personnel of Golestan Province Civil Registration Organization. Results of structural equations modeling show that work spirituality and perceived organizational support have positive and significant effect both on member-organization Compatibility and innovative work Behavior. Besides, member-organization compatibility positively and significantly affects innovative work behavior. Moreover, the mediating role of member-organization compatibility in the relation between work spirituality and perceived organizational support, on the one side, and innovative work behavior, on the other, is confirmed. A number of applied suggestions are finally presented.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Public Administration
Received: Aug 12 2020 | Accepted: Feb 03 2021 | ePublished: Jun 12 2021

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