Volume 6, Issue 4 (1-1993)                   JMDP 1993, 6(4): 14-20 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (12601 Views)
Since the main issue in the present seminar is the Islamic management, it is proper to make provision for the Islamic characteristic of management in general. We wish to answer the delicate question: what is the role of Islam as a divine religion on the knowledge and technique of management? Why is management modified by the epithet "Islamic"? It may be briefly stated that human are in no way distinct form the issues of value. In any society, both the managerial theories and executive techniques are influenced by the system of values, which possesses a specific and unique status, and which is based on a specific world-view, epistemology and anthropology, has a tremendeous effect on different layers of management, supplies the managerial theories with a particular dimension, and plays a significant role in the adoption of managerial approaches. As a whole, the Islamic system of values will make the application of Islamic high standards inevitable for managerial and executive order of the country. We might look at the Islamic management from a different angle: We may interpret the Islamic management as an analysis of the speeches, acts, and opinions of the leaders of Islam on the managerial issues. Thus, we might pick up the managerial approaches of the Moslem leaders for a historical study. However, what is unanimously adopted by the Moslem scholars is our first discussion: namely, the influence of the theoretical and religious foundations, on the one hand, and the effects of the Islamic system of values, on the other hand, on the solution of different managerial issues.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Public Administration
Received: May 23 2012 | Accepted: Sep 15 2014 | ePublished: Sep 15 2014

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