Volume 34, Issue 2 (summer 2021)                   JMDP 2021, 34(2): 151-173 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Faculty of Management and Economics, Lorestan University, Lorestan, Iran.
2- Human Resources Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Lorestan University, Lorestan, Iran. , taghipour.s@fc.lu.ac.ir
3- Human Resources Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Lorestan University, Lorestan, Iran.
Abstract:   (2015 Views)
Purpose: Contrary to the popular belief that workplace deviations are specific to laborers, they also exist in knowledge environments and manifest themselves in specific ways in knowledge-based companies. Refusing to participate in teamwork and sharing knowledge gained from costly research and development activities are examples of these deviant behaviors. This study intends to investigate into the effects of expertise monopoly on workplace deviations with regard to the intervening role of knowledge concealment as well as the mediating role of teamwork motivation.
Methodology: Based on its purpose, this study is applied and from the perspective of data collection and analysis, it was descriptive applying field-causal method. The statistical population consisted of all managers and specialists of knowledge-based companies located in Tehran Science and Technology Park. Using stratified-random sampling method, 220 subjects were selected as the sample. Data were analyzed through structural equation modeling with partial least squares approach.
Findings: Results show that expertise monopoly through the intervening variable of knowledge concealment positively and significantly affects interpersonal and organizational deviations. Besides, teamwork motivation moderates the effects of employees’ expertise monopoly on knowledge concealment.  
Values: Results of this study can be very effective in developing knowledge sharing strategies to reduce retaliatory behaviors of employees in the workplace.
Full-Text [PDF 1096 kb]   (507 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Public Administration
Received: Jul 21 2020 | Accepted: Nov 28 2020 | ePublished: Jan 12 2022

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